DRDAR committed to support youth
The Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) is committed in ensuring that it invests the available resources in its bid it make the lucrative agriculture sector to “fashionable and lit” among young people.
This was said the DRDAR Amathole District Director Thembinkosi Boko during the celebrations of the youth in agriculture event at Zintukwini village in Ngqamakhwe which was attended by youth representative from all the local municipalities in the district and the Buffalo City Metro Municipality.
A least 14 projects, which are making strides with their agriculture-related enterprises from all the municipalities covering district, were awarded vouchers of R15 000 each to boast their businesses.
He noted that the youth was reluctant to venture into agriculture-related enterprises but DRDAR was trying to show the youngsters that “agriculture is bling, fashionable and lit” like other business and has lasting business spin-offs.
Phumlani Ntloko, a qualified young engineer who left his job to focus in farming, encouraged the youth venture into the agriculture sector because it had positive spin-offs but warned that it was not an overnight success as they battled for about two years to produce quality vegetables.
By Thozi kaManyisana

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