THE Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform has started delivering animal feed to farmers across the province.
THE Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform has started delivering animal feed to farmers across the province in a bid to bring much needed relief during the persistent drought conditions.
All districts including the two metros have received and continue to receive animal feed. The Department allocated funds for immediate drought relief after the province was declared a drought disaster area on October 29 2019. The allocation of resources is based on extreme to severely affected areas.
The extent of extreme and severely affected areas per district are, Amatole including BCM (64.3%), Chris Hani (49.2%),Sarah Baartman including NMB (45%),Joe Gqabi (21.7%),OR Tambo (47%) and Alfred Nzo (20%). The total percentage area of the Province affected is 20.5%).
The urgent drought relief and drought mitigation funding requirements are based on those areas affected by severe and extreme drought.
The following items have been delivered and are in the process of delivery in the various municipalities
Districts | Delivered | Progress |
Alfred Nzo | 2357 Blocks | Deliveries are in progress |
Amatole including Buffalo City Metro | 550 Complete Ruminant | Deliveries are in progress |
Chris Hani | 500 Complete Ruminant | Deliveries are in progress |
Joe Gqabi | 900 bales of Lucerne | Deliveries are in progress |
OR Tambo | 20 tons maize, 13 tons Lucerne, 1346 Complete Ruminant | Deliveries are in progress |
Sarah Baartman including Nelson Mandela Metro | 62 tons of Lucerne, 20 tons maize | Deliveries are in progress |

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