Farmers in Zilandana village in Qumbu whose sheep and goats died when they were affected by veld fires last week expressed joy that Eastern Cape for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform Nonceba Kontsiwe brought them feed to assist their animals
Kontsiwe visited Zilandana village, where Masibhozo Yilo who lost 111 sheep due to the fire said he was inspired by the MEC assistance and words of encouragement and consolation include being provided with feed.
Yilo said he had only fourteen sheep left and he was distraught that on the day of the incident he “wanted to die.”
“Losing all my sheep 126 and be left with only fifteen left my heart so sore. I don’t know how I slept on that day and I was not prepared to speak about that incident. The MEC has given us hope with her words and there is relief because we have feed. We now have hope because at least the remaining ones will have something to eat,” Yilo said.
His cousin, Madidizela Yilo, said he lost 15 sheep during the incident but the relief given to them will assist them.
“Let me thank the MEC and government officials for their swift intervention after our sheep died.
“With these sheep we were able to send our children to school and feed our families as I am not employed. This is a great loss to me,” he said.
Yilo said he was part the local woolgrowers who sell their wool to BKB in Gqeberha and sold some sheep locally to make money.
MEC Kontsiwe said after DRDAR officials visited the affected areas, the “immediate intervention” was identified as feed because the veld was destroyed with just little patches of grass left.
“We are here to console you, don’t despair. Please find a place in heart to be consoled and we feel your pain. This your wealth hence we provided the feed so that the remaining ones double. We are sorry about your loss, but please to throw towels” Kontsiwe said.
She added that while she “cannot make a commitment” about the further support that would be given to the farmers but government would see what else can be done to assist.
Calling the incident “unfortunate and man-made”, the MEC urged the communities to discuss issues that caused veldfire like negligence of discharge burning cigarettes or starting the fires they could not control.
Kontsiwe said the traditional and local leadership should use every occasion, be it in during the chuch services or traditional occasions to raise awareness about the dangers of veldfires.

Fishing tools PSJ

Fishing tools PSJ

Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC Nonkqubela Pieters gave fishing Cooperative members from Lusikisiki, Port St Johns and Xolobeni a shot-in-the-arm when she gave them the much needed fishing gear and equipment, which includes fishing rods, wet suits, fishing nets, blades, sucking pumps, safety boots, head lamps, life jackets, masks with snorkels as part of the Department’s ongoing investment in coastal communities aimed at helping coastal communities with fishing permits them improve their fishing, increase income from fishing. Pic: DRDAR Communications

Shearing Shed

Shearing Shed

UMphathiswa weSebe loPhuhliso lwamaPhandle noLimo uNonkqubela Pieters uthe wanikezela ngokusesikweni ishedi ye Sophumelela eBacclesfarm eNtabethemba. Le project inamalungu ayi 34 nanomhlambi weegusha eziyi1813 ezivelisa amabhali ayi26.

Le shedi inezixhobo zokusebenza, idiphu yeegusha eyakuthi iphuhlise izinga loboya nengeniso kwezoqoqosho. Umphathiswa weZemidlalo, ubuGcisa neNkcubeko uKhontsiwe ube yinxalenye yale mibhiyozo.
Usihlalo mafama uMnu uNgwevela ubengawuvali umlomo evuyiswa sesi sipho sisuka kuRhulumente .

Shearing Shed

Shearing Shed

UMphathiswa weSebe loPhuhliso lwamaPhandle noLimo uNonkqubela Pieters uthe wanikezela ngokusesikweni ishedi ye Sophumelela eBacclesfarm eNtabethemba. Le project inamalungu ayi 34 nanomhlambi weegusha eziyi1813 ezivelisa amabhali ayi26.

Le shedi inezixhobo zokusebenza, idiphu yeegusha eyakuthi iphuhlise izinga loboya nengeniso kwezoqoqosho. Umphathiswa weZemidlalo, ubuGcisa neNkcubeko uKhontsiwe ube yinxalenye yale mibhiyozo.
Usihlalo mafama uMnu uNgwevela ubengawuvali umlomo evuyiswa sesi sipho sisuka kuRhulumente .

Kuwait export

Mabuyane happy with Kuwait export of live animals, safety measures in place for the shipment

The Premier of the Eastern Cape province, Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane and the President of the Agri Eastern Cape, Pieter Cloete said they are pleased with step taken by stakeholders to ensure safety of animals being boarded into a vessel to transport them to Kuwait as part of the trade agreement facilitated by the provincial government with the agency of Kuwait government.

Mabuyane and Cloete, together with the Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC, Nonkqubela Pieters visited the vessels that is loading 56000 sheep, 200 goats and 1500 cattle at the Port of East London.

He said the export of livestock to Kuwait from the Eastern Cape means a lot for the province in terms of growing the provincial economy as the provincial government has identified both primary agriculture and agro processing as one of potential sectors for growth and as the niche sector for the province.

“So we are looking broadly on that and this is one of those practical steps we are making to ensure that we benefit out of globalisation, so we are part of this globe. So we are looking at the broader value addition of this and the value chain beneficiation, how to bring subsistence farmers on board. You understand that government has been investing a lot in terms of livestock improvement, particularly looking at the meat and the wool production . We are quite happy with the work that is happening. This transaction alone is more than R200 million investment into this and more than R1.2 billion has been put into this. This is the sixth installment of this loading that you are seeing here and this is taking us somewhere,” said Mabuyane.

Happy with the Kuwait export market, Mabuyane said the province has a lot of livestock, which will also help improve and increase breeding and production of livestock to maintain the superior quality of meat produced by the province  from genetics point of view compared to other provinces.

He said while there are other Middle East countries talking to the province about similar trade deals that will include livestock and many other agricultural products, the provincial government wants to ensure local beneficiation.

“I know Saudi Arabia is knocking at our doors. We are also looking more in expanding and diversifying this approach where we are able to do more from the production side of meat so that we retain jobs and get more byproduct out of the skins of animals. These are things that we are looking at. This is a partnership arrangement between Kuwait and business people from this side facilitated by the government of the Eastern Cape. You will understand that Al Mawashi made this pronouncement in one of those presidential investment summit that they will be investing about R2 billion for this. So it is coming together slowly but surely, so today we thought that let’s come and see it for ourselves,” said Mabuyane.

In response to complaints about animal welfare, Mabuyane said: “There has been a lot of hullabaloo, complaints about this or that out there. We are quite happy with how everything is being handled here, its quality up to standard, animals are looked after, animals are happy. We were moving around the ship, they are eating as we speak, they are moving, they have got space, they are drinking. So if they were under stress, they would not be doing that surely. So we are quite happy with the work that has been done and the quality of work that is being put into this.”

He encouraged commercial farmers to embrace previously disadvantaged farmers to be on board in terms of supplying animals to the feedlot so that this becomes the revolution on its own in getting everyone and making agriculture fashionable.

Cloete said it was vital to understand the spinoffs in the province that come from this export and likened it to the motor industry, saying some people see a car and think its only a Motor car but there is a tyre industry, there is upholstery industry and everything that goes with it.

“With this we are really going to work hard to try and lift genetics with the emerging farmers because that is where the numbers are as you all know the Eastern Cape has got the highest number of livestock of all the provinces in this country. So it is of vital importance that we get this industry to keep it going,” said Cloete.

He said: “We are happy today. We came here to see the loading of sheep into the vessel. It is beautiful inside there, they are being well fed, some are resting and there is no problem. Some people are complaining that they are being ill-treated but you can also check for yourself, that place looks like a hotel and there is nothing wrong there. It’s beautiful in here. No doubt, the animals are looked after and this is a floating feedlot and nothing else.”

For the current shipment of animals R177 228 000 was paid to purchase animals from farmers, R17 960 000 was spent on purchasing feed for the animals, R1 200 000 having paid as salaries for temporary jobs flowing from the preparation of the export of these animals, R3 334 87 paid to the East London Port, R1 695 00 used to purchase animal vaccines and veterinary supplies for all animals being transported, R10 220 000  injected into the transportation of animals