by Olwetu Batyi | Feb 22, 2024 | Uncategorized

Here is the caption. EASTERN Cape Premier Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane together with the MEC for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) Nonkqubela Pieters handed over quality breed cattle and goats to the province’s small-holder and communal farmers as part of ongoing livestock production benefiting. Between 2009/2010 and 2022/23 financial years the department distributed 9 233 cattle, goats and sheep with superior genetic to 1 441 farmers across the Eastern Cape Province while R12.8 million is being spent to purchase 250 cattle, 500 sheep and 200 goats to enhance redmeat and animal fiber development in the Province. Picture: Mandla Nduna/ECOTP

by Olwetu Batyi | Aug 21, 2023 | Uncategorized

Issued by the DRDAR Communication and Customer Care Services on 17 August 2023
It took 28-year-old King Sabata Dalindyebo based farmer Siphesihle Kwetana under five years to start a farming enterprise and turn it into a successful business.
Kwetana is one of the most successful farmers in the OR Tambo District and arguably, the province. Today, she made off with top honours at the Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform’s Women Entrepreneur Awards held in Qumbu.
The awards are meant to recognise women who are involved in various capacities in the agricultural sector with awards that include prize money from subsistence to commercial level categories.
Kwetana beat other competitors in the Commercial Category and won first prize and not only that, but she also made off with the provincial overall prize. This sets her apart from the rest and will give her a competitive edge in the national leg of the awards to be held in the Free State Province.
An ecstatic Kwetana said she would use her R320 000 winnings to help her construct a dam where she plans to start an aquaculture project.
“The prize money will be used for staff salaries, assist in buying equipment for a butchery that I have built at KwaKaplan Village and also assist in the aquaculture project that I am going to be embarking on. Right now I am still doing research on the popular fish species so that I can proceed with fish farming,” she said.
Kwetana runs an agricultural enterprise in Mthatha where she has a piggery, poultry, vegetable and also sells seedlings. Kwetana, 28, sells her produce at food retail stores like Spar and Pick ‘n Pay. The confident young farmer said she is looking forward to competing in the national competition which will be held in August.
In her category, Kwetana beat livestock producer Sinovuyo Nzukuma who is running a thriving farm in the Chris Hani District. Nzukuma’s farm has more than 100 cattle. She was assisted by the Department with fencing, genetically superior cattle and a borehole.
For the MEC Special Award, Kholiswa Dabula, a partially blind farmer who survived a gruesome attach in Cape Town which left her eyes damaged won the MEC Special Award – Disability. Dabula was a bus driver in the Western Cape when her family was attacked by a bunch of thugs who left her for dead. Little did they know that their actions would propel Dabula to greater heights.
Dabula said she had lost all hope when she became partially blind after the attack. A bus driver then in Cape Town, Dabula had to abruptly end her stay in the seaside city after the attack and return home to the Eastern Cape to start over.
Despite being partially blind, Dabula did not let her sudden disability stand in her way, she started planting spinach in her backyard and would sell when she had surplus.
MEC Nonkqubela Pieters said the department was committed to supporting women farers and priorities and “fund the nominees that participated in the Women Entrepreneur Awards at district level of this current financial year.
She added that the department will support the nominees with production, infrastructure and through livestock improvement schemes.
The following categories were awarded today:
MEC Special Award – Youth
Runner-up: Cebokazi Galashe– R25 000 Winner: Neziswa Mlenzana – R50 000
MEC Special Award – Woman with Disability
Runner-up: Nowangile Jolwana – R25 000 Winner: Kholiswa Dabula – R50 000
Best Female Worker
Runner-up Linda Mgedezi – R25 000 Winner: Akhumzi Mkhontwana – R50 000
Best Subsistence Producer
Runner-up: Nomfesane Tshekela – R50 000 Winner: Nomalizo Mafanga – R75 000
Best Smallholder Producer
Runner-up: Tobela Mapukata – R80 000 Winner: Nontuthuzelo Mbebe – R120 000
Best Agro-Processor
Winner: Tuliswa Mondliwa – R80 000 Winner: Nokuzola James – R120 000
Best Commercial Producer
Runner-up: Sinovuyo Nzukuma – R80 000 Winner: Siphesihle Kwetana – R120 000
Overall Winner – Siphesihle Kwetana – R200 000
by Olwetu Batyi | Aug 21, 2023 | Uncategorized

EASTERN CAPE MEC for the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) Nonkqubela Pieters brought early Christmas cheer to the community of Koukamma Municipality during an engagement session with the elderly when she donated food parcels and toys to senior citizens and children.

http://2023 elderly Xmas
by Olwetu Batyi | Jul 31, 2023 | Uncategorized

Umphathiswa weSebe lophuhliso lwaMaphandle noLimo uNonkqubela Pieters unikezele ngokusesikweni ishedi enezixhobo zokucheba ehamba nediphu yeegusha kwiMasimanyane Woolgrowers Association neliqumrhu elikhokelwa ngumfana olulutsha uBanele Yawa kwilali yaseQaga kufuphi neQonce. Le yinxalenye yobuxhakaxhaka obenziwa li Sebe ukunceda amafama ashishina ngoboya ukuqinisekisa ukuba uboya bobohlobo kwaye bungenisa imali elindelekileyo. ISebe lichithe ngaphaya kwesigidi R1.3m.

by Olwetu Batyi | Jul 31, 2023 | Uncategorized

Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC Nonkqubela Pieters and Clr Phathiswa Matinise look at some of the 144 Dohne Merino rams with superior genetic material that she handed over to farmers at Mafini village in Libode today. This hand over is part of the ongoing programmes of the Department to commercialise agriculture in the province with a special focus on farmers in communal land, small holding farms, farms who received farms through government land reform programs and other previously disadvantaged farmers.
by Olwetu Batyi | Jul 26, 2023 | Uncategorized

UPPER Mkapusi Wool Growers Association members said the new shearing shed, dipping tank and 10 Dohne Merino sheep handed over to them by the Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC Nonkqubela Pieters will improve the value of their wool and increase their profits.
MEC Pieters gave keys to the new structure built by the Department with an investment of R1,4 million as part of going programme to commercialise wool production through investment in agriculture infrastructure like the shearing sheds, distribution of rams with superior genetics to improve quality of wool clip.
Chairperson of the association Dumisa Mbobosi said farmers were relieved and excited that government has assisted them with infrastructure, machinery and rams to enhance the enterprise that was initiated by their forefathers.
“Back then there was lack of knowledge about the business hence it ceased to exist only to be revitalized in 1985 where as young people we were encouraged to join. At the time we were using a shearing structure made of soil bricks and stones before government provided this structure with all the necessary equipment to increase the value and profit we make,” said Mbobosi.
He said the old structure compromised the quality of their wool clip because it was small, they didn’t have necessary tools but now they are seeing the difference, hoping to grow more once the sheep start changing their flock.
During every shearing season the project is able to create (13) job opportunities for youth as 10 sheep shearers, two wool classers and sorters and a wool scale reader.

Between 2017/18 and 2022/23 financial years, DRDAR invested about R3m in agriculture support for the community including drought relief material, infrastructure, spring water protection at Bangindlala that created 90 jobs, livestock improvement and household gardens.
The association which has 60 members that include 22 women, 2 young women, 2 people with disabilities and 34 males officially received the keys to the shed where they produced about 35 bales valued at R419 000 from their 2799 flock.
MEC Pieters said the current government has invested millions in its bid to develop rural areas to become economic development hubs.

“Before democracy you would never see an investment of R1,4 million in rural areas. We want you to sell clean good quality wool so that you can get more money. When you sell contaminated wool you get less money because you are competing with people that have fully equipped shearing sheds. We’ve built this shed so that you can develop. What I like about this shearing shed is that young people and women are involved. Where there are women, things fall into place and become sustainable,” said Pieters.